Closed cell expaned perlite also named Expanded and vertrified micro bubble (VMB) is a type of new expanded perlite which heated the big grit perlite sand in electric furnace and gotten uniform structure and hyaline surface grit,shape in round granular.
Characteristics of our closed cell expanded perlite(VMB):
1.Shape in irregular spherical particles
2.Porous structure inside
3.Pure white color
4.High strength
5.Low thermal conductivity
6.Low water absorption
7.High and low temperature resistant
Application of our closed cell expanded perlite(VMB):
1) as main raw material for production thermal insulation mortar,thermal insulation coatings,insulation fire bricks ,decorative panels,insulation board,enamel product etc
2) as insulation material for metallurgical, industrial furnace,thermal pipelines,
3) high fineness material as fillers rubber,enamel,paint, plastic etc.
General specification of closed cell expanded perlite(VMB):
Size(mm) | 0.5-1.5 | Thermal conductivity(w/m.k) | 0.024-0.054 |
Density(kg/m3) | 50-100 |
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